
Bribing the maggots and the soul extractor

This is more on how the Hegelian dialectic works, the theme of the day. People are in on the game on both sides. - Ed.


It must be obvious to anyone that it is rather trivial today to curry favor from the ruling elite – become their shill and bleat the mantra of ‘Islamofascism’, delve deeply into some arcane aspects of it but keep that very axiom intact.
One will surely get noticed eventually, and perhaps acquire a chair at the Hudson, or get employment at the RAND. Minimally, one will get invited to speak at JINSA and Heritage, get published in mainstream news, and variously earn tangible and intangible benefits. And if one would rather play dissent to win over the odd rabble rouser and ‘malcontent’, composing something like “Between Imperialism and Islamism” (as Pervez Hoodbhoy did in the Himal Southasian, October-November 2007 issue), will surely lead to invitation at the 911 memorial in New York to speak to ‘Muslim-terrorism’.

Read more @ Dictatorship Watch

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