
Canary Nation

In times past, before technological wonders replaced them, canaries were kept deep down in the earth to warn miners of poison gas and other disasters. Even as profit-greedy mine owners ignored safety regulations and exploited employees to the breaking point, a humble little song bird was the link between life and death-- between the malfeasance of corporate prosperity, the brutal truth of nature’s reality, and capitalism's inevitable devouring appetite. Those who labor and suffer beneath the sweet song of danger these days seem to have forgotten the ghosts of a century ago, when labor raised our democratic boat on a tide of the American Dream.

Applying that simple analogy to the American empire, it is apparent that the economy is our mine shaft:“Maybe now is when the real dark period begins. Sure the last seven years of the inept Bush regime have been miserable and shameful, sure we've been humiliated, mortified a thousand ways from Sunday by an administration that would yank the legs off a dog if it meant a thank-you note from Dubai.”

“But now Bush is in his final year. This is both the good news, and also the very, very bad news. Because we are now in the death throes of the worst administration in modern history, entering the period of serious consequences, of economic collapse, environmental impact, record oil prices, international recoil, rashes, boils, inexplicable vomiting. Fun for the whole family. “

“Know this for a fact. Bush does not care. He is detached, supercilious, viciously ignorant of anything but how beautifully he has served his corporate masters, of how he has raked in billions of dollars for Halliburton and Lockheed Martin and Exxon and the coal industry, mercenary armies and military manufacturers and his dad's Saudi friends. He is on no one's side but theirs, and he always has been.”

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