By Fahim A. Knight-EL
Let me start this particular article off by being a little unorthodox by citing some of my sources and giving the readers right off the back, a glimpse into how this article was formulated, which these are some of the best available sources which allows us to assess and evaluate events and trends and to determine what is true and false, in particular during these most trying times. Moreover, without relying on the corporate controlled mediums to make that determination for us in matters like these. This writer used perhaps over fifty (50) different references, but these ten (10) have given shape to many of my articles and whenever I find myself in doubt about trying to understand the mind of the globalist and the New World Order advocates. I do not hesitate to call on these FREE THINKERS: 1).Reference: Gary Allen and Larry Abraham: “None Dare Call it Conspiracy.” 2). Reference Carroll Quigley: "Tragedy and Hope" 3). Reference: Henry Ford: “The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem" 4). Reference: David Icke: “The Biggest Secret" 5). Reference: John Coleman; Conspirators Hierarchy: The Committee of 300" 6). Reference: Andy Stern: “Oil: From Rockefeller to Iraq and Beyond” 7). Reference: William Cooper; “Behold A Pale Horse” 8). Russell S. Bowen; “The Immaculate Deception: The Bush Crime Family Exposed” 9). Reference: Terrance Jackson; “Putting it All Together: World Conquest, Global Genocide and African Liberation.” 10). (Reference: William Greider; “Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country”).
The propaganda machines have done a masterful job of giving the masses abstract and decoys in order to keep then confused and politically disorientated. They have sent the entire planet into panic mode relative to the international economic meltdown and the financial crisis facing the globe. The Dynastic Money Changers are working to further rearrange wealth and labor; thus, creating an economic depression to justify further empowering the world’s wealth holders by blaming labor for contributing to America's recent economic collapse. The Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Oppenhemiers, etc., are bent on greed, although they control over ninety-nine (99) percent of the world's wealth; they are dissatisfied that their modern slaves having access and somewhat control over a measly one (1) percent. The masses do not see or know that Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, AIG, Chase Manhattan, Bear-Sterns, Bank of America, etc., are treasures (they use these front banks to services us peasants, but the real action is taking place on the Central Banks level) of these hidden families who have created an unequal economic, social and political playing field. (Reference: Eustace Mullins; "The Secrets of the Federal Reserve").
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