
Jim Lobe: Bush's Nazi-Iran Analogy

Great analysis by Jim Lobe. He still seems confused, though, about why they would do something so stupid. In my humble opinion, the missing link here is that Bush, Cheney and others involved in this decision-making are psychopaths. Therefore, it's not helpful to put their decisions into some sort of logical framework. The reason they do things is to get narcissistic gratification. They couldn't care less about logic or negative consequences, especially when other people will have to pay the consequences. Of course, they have plans to avoid their own share of the payback. It's called 'Martial Law'. - Ed.

For those of you who have not yet seen it, M.J. Rosenberg’s column on Bush’s analogy between Nazi Germany and Iran and the contretemps between the Obama and McCain camps over Hamas is a must read, by far the best meditation on both issues, particularly on the implications for the American Jewish community, that has crossed my desk.

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