
Vladimir V. Putin: Neo Con

This is such a tremendous article on Russia. Various people in the comments remarked that they have been reading 30 articles a day on this topic and found this article so helpful. I agree. Just imagine how much better off the American people would be if they enjoyed this level of analysis as a matter of course rather than be subjected daily to the rich idiots who spew forth lies in the corporate media. It's sad, but you can know better. - Ed.

About a year ago, the Bush administration and the neocon babble-ocracy began touting Vladimir Putin as America's next Man We Love to Hate. This is odd, since by nearly all standards, Mr. Putin is the most successful neocon on the planet. Or perhaps it's jealousy. Since taking power in 2000, Mr. Putin's Russia has dodged chaos, seen its GDP increase six-fold, its poverty fall by half, average monthly real wages rise by 150% and, with the invasion of Georgia, demonstrated to the world that it can no longer be baited, humiliated or ignored without consequences.

Read full story. Really, go read the whole thing.