
Lord Stirling: Fate of the World

This weekend the fate of the world, of all of us, is hanging in the balance. Prime Minister wannabe Livni of Israel is about to throw in the towel on her attempt to put together a government. The attempt to get Kadima, Labor, and Shas plus one or more minor religious parties to join a government is simply not working. This will result in either new elections being called, something that will take two or three months, or it will result in the Likud party putting together a government during the next few days.

Now the Likud party is headed by Bibi Netanyahu. This super war hawk is the former Prime Minister of Israel that the NeoCon movement was created under. He is the driving force behind the concept of "global terrorism", of creating a "terrorist" threat for western nations and using the enemies of Israel as the terrorists. He "just happened" to be in London for the 7/7 false flag event there, and I believe that he was also in New York on 9/11. The position papers that formed the basis for the neocon movement that Paul Wolfowitz, Dick Cheney and others were so involved in, were written for him.

Israel has had more than its share of aggressive war hawks among its political elite, however, few can hold a candle to dear old Bibi. He is the one that scares most of the rest. He never met a war that he did not like. He first came on the scene, at least from an American/western view, in the lead-in to the First Gulf War when he was Assistant Information Minister for Israel. He is so very smooth; in fact, he is the best at lying that I have ever seen in any politician, anywhere.

This weekend will likely see the stage set for his return to power as Prime Minister of Israel, either in a matter of days or at most in a few months. When he returns as Prime Minister, he is apt to ignite the tinderbox that is the Middle East and with it the rest of the world. He will set into play the falling dominoes that will bring us all to World War III. At least that will take our minds off of the economic/political horrors of the Great Depression 2.0 that will put us all ever deeper and deeper in the crapper in the months ahead. Look for global war within a few months of his return to power.

I hate writing on Israel. It is so easy to be branded as antisemitic by those who view any criticism of Israel as some evil racist attack on all Jews. It is also easy to be branded as a Zionist mouthpiece for not condemning all Jews for the sins of a few. So, I want to make my position clear. I, unlike many people writing on the Middle East, have actually had dealings with senior people, at the highest levels, in both Israel and in Arab states. I try to understand both sides as well as trying to see through the BS and spin. I want Israel to exist in peace and prosperity and the same for the Arab states and Iran.

The hard liners in Israel have of late benefited enormously from AIPAC and the lock on Congress and several presidential administrations that it has had. Many Jews in America and in Israel have come to the conclusion that this influence has not been good for Israel nor America. The war in Iraq was driven by lies from the neocons sending American/British/etc. troops to fight Arabs, using western money, for a concept of a Greater Israel - a Israel that is dominate in the Middle East and cannot be checkmated by any other regional power. The drumbeat for a another war, this time on Iran, comes from the neocons and AIPAC. It is no accident that both Obama and McCain tried to outdo one another in kissing up to AIPAC and the AIPAC agenda towards Iran.

The trouble with this craziness is that it is simply too late in human history for such aggressive empire building. For all the hype about a possible Iranian nuclear weapons program and the danger from same, the real danger to Israel and to the entire world is from the existing very advanced biowar program that Iran has. When the Soviet Union fell many of the scientists in the Soviet advanced biowar program were made destitute, out of work and flat broke. The Iranians hired as many as possible at US$5,000 each per month - a truly massive sum for out of work ex-Soviet scientists 15 to 18 years ago. These ex-Soviet scientists created one very advanced and very scary biowar industrial base for Iran using recombination DNA genetic engineering technology.

The Iranian advanced biological warfare program is one of the most advanced in the world today. They have created literally hundreds of new man made diseases that can spread from human to human like wildfire. Diseases that the human race has no immunity to, that are designed to kill and kill in very large numbers. The Iranians, having seen what befell Saddam once he destroyed all of his chemical and biowar agents have worked to create a MAD (mutually assured destruction) environment with Israel and the United States and western powers. Saddam had a force of close to 30 Scuds with chemical WMD loaded and ready to fire on Israel and Saudi Arabia. That was why we did not "finish the job" during the First Gulf War; once we were certain he had denuded his forces of this technology we began the Second Gulf War to destroy him, while all the time claiming that his by then non-exist WMD were the reason for the war.

The Iranians, and their Syrian allies, have a multi layer MAD force against Israel. They have several tens of thousands of missiles and rockets aimed at Israel from Lebanon, Syria, Iran, and Palestine. These have a mix of standard conventional, advanced conventional (fuel air explosive), chemical, advanced biological, and radiological warheads. They are capable of effectively destroying the state of Israel and its population. The advanced biological technology possessed by Iran can be equally used on North America and Europe to cause a level of diseased caused deaths that would be similar to the Black Death Plague of the Middle Ages that killed off a third to half of the European population. Of course, Israel and the United States (plus the United Kingdom and France) have nuclear weapons that could effectively destroy all life in Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine. That's why we call the environment a mutually assured destruction capacity.

It is really appropriate to refer to a mutually assured destruction environment as 'MAD' because only a madman would deliberately engage in war in such an "environment". A madman or a totally evil satanic leader. Bibi has given the world every indication that he is that type of nut/satanic leader.

