
Premeditated Radicalization? Why?

The following is a very astute observation by the editor of dictatorshipwatch and it cannot be glossed over:

The truth: The warlords in Washington, London and Tel Aviv do not want less radicalization in the Muslim world. They want more. If there is not enough, they will make sure more people get angry. The more Muslims are against their policies and the puppets they impose on the masses, the more the warlords are able to justify the totalitarian, expansionists policies.” ( Dictatorshipwatch.com January 11, 2009)

To understand why this observation is so profound, and in fact, penetrates to the heart of the matter, please see this Project Humanbeingsfirst’s response to an oped which appeared in the Financial Times in December 2008. It was the first time in recent memory, to this scribe’s knowledge, certainly since 911, that a very respected mainstream newspaper which is read by the who’s who of the entire world, and not just the financial mainstream, had put it all together to test the waters. Project Humanbeingsfirst was immediately on the tail of this bogeyman:

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