
Summer of Hell still on tap

So it's against this backdrop of political and financial ineptitude, made worse by CONgress abdicating on war powers, Constitutionally mandate control of money creation, and a longer than we have time for laundry list of omissions, commissions, misfeasance's and lobby-nuzzling that we can all look forward to the "summer of hell" as people global do a massive "WTF?"

The only solace in all this is that it won't be America only. It'll be a global event. The UK's Guardian headlines it this way:

"Britain faces summer of rage - police.

Middle-class anger at economic crisis could erupt into violence on streets"

Well, gee, gosh, look surprised. I've been telling you this has been in the linguistics for Summer '09 for how long? Go look at this Google cache from my Wednesday August 20, 2008 report which not only clearly predicts the October '08 meltdown but this stuff still to come that British police are awakening to: "This run is focused on events as far out as July 2009, which for labeling purposes in modelspace is called the "Summer of Hell" for reasons that you'll be able to catch up with in Part Zero which is expected to be posted around September 5th..."

Read more @ Urban Survival

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