
A case of Zionist "foot and mouth" disease


Realizing the power of pictures and words on our fragile psyche, Israel and its Pro-Zionist community have cultivated a gang of writers, editors, columnists, journalists, producers, directors, owners, advertisers, marketers, spin doctors, public relation firms, financial institutions, political action committees, monitoring groups, Washington based think tanks, newspapers, magazines, Television stations, radios, movie studios, a "rapid response attack force", and so much more that it takes our "free speech" breath away.

Most dangerous among these gangs are Israel's American Columnists whose allegiance to this country is questionable given their propensity to keep the Arab-Israeli conflict alive and well to the financial, military, and expansionist land policy of Israel: They are the real "Dirty Dozen (s)" They are the rich, successful, unchallenged purveyors of bias, hate, myth making, and lies who adorn the pages of the Op-Ed pages of our most powerful papers and who value Israel's interest above America's.

The Dirty Dozen (s) Honor Roll

Jeff Jacoby, George Will, Cal Thomas, Charles Krauthammer, Daniel Pipes, Steve Emerson, Edward Luttwak, Mark Halprin, William Safire, Thomas Friedman, Mort Zuckerman, R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr, Don Feder, James Pinkerton, Judith Miller, etc. etc. etc.

Read more @ The Truth Seeker

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