1. PROBLEM: climate talks in trouble
COPENHAGEN - PROSPECTS for a strong UN climate pact grew more remote on Thursday at the climax of two-year talks as ministers and leaders blamed leading emitters China and the United States for deadlock on carbon cuts.
Dozens of heads of state were arriving in the Danish capital to address the Dec 7-18 conference, meant to sign a new pact to curb greenhouse gas emissions on Friday. Negotiators' failure to draft a coherent text means they have a mountain to climb.
'The news that we've been receiving is not good,' Chancellor Angela Merkel told the German parliament. 'I must say very honestly, that the United States offer to cut by 4 per cent compared to 1990 levels is not ambitious.' Environment ministers at the talks have so far failed to close a rift over how far the developing world should join industrialised countries in cutting carbon emissions.
2. REACTION: highest level public figures make a series of hysterical threats and bold proposals
The "future of humanity" is at stake in the Copenhagen climate talks, Gordon Brown has said.
Hillary Clinton has attempted to break the deadlock at the Copenhagen climate conference by offering a huge amount of money from the United States to help poor nations deal with global warming. MY PEOPLE WILL PAY YOUR PEOPLE, WE'LL DO LUNCH...
3. SOLUTION: Just Die. OK? Come on. Don't You Care About This PLANET??!@!??!!?!? That's very selfish of you...can we get some volunteers? NO???
The official British policy for the Copenhagen conference is now out, in explicit language: Massive population genocide, on a scale that would make Adolf Hitler blush. The London School of Economics, the anchor of the Fabian Gordon Brown government, has produced a study for Copenhagen, released by the British organization Optimum Population Trust (OPT), calling for the reduction of world population by between three to five billion people between now and 2050. This flagrant call for mass extermination is based on the argument that the single greatest cause of global warming is over-population, and that the most "cost-effective" cure for global warming is radical population reduction.
According to a recent OPT study, the so-called global warming crisis can be solved, most cheaply, by reducing the world population by 500 million between now and 2050. Since linear population projections put world population at well-over 9 billion by that date, the proposal to cut back world population to just over 6 billion people, would mean the elimination of 3 billion people. Indeed, an OPT press release, dated March 16, 2009, titled "Earth Heading for 5 Billion Overpopulation?" reported, "Based on ecological footprint and biolgoical capacity data which have become available over the last decade, OPT estimates the world's sustainable population currently at 5 billion and the U.K.'s at 18 million (the U.K.'s actual current population is 61 million).
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