
A response to Michael T. Klare's "Putin's Ruthless Gambit"

Link to Klare's article:


Why I don't like those kind of articles?

Because they are not honest with you or me. On my computer I have - like you - a command key and an 'F'. (Apple) The 'F' stands for 'find'. And it's always the same with gatekeepers like Klare, Tom Engelhardt, Zinn and all the other 'Chomskys of this world': they can write and write about the effects of the present usury system which makes 99% of humanity suffer. But they never explain about the origins, the financiers of all trouble, the ;false flags' and of the illegal invasions for power and profit. So, if I with the 'F' for instance look for the word 'Israel' in the article, I don't find it in this text. And that's not honest, it's gatekeeping.

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