
Jews in the News - indicator that the US is officially at war with the Jewish State?

An old saying goes thus–“Even a broken clock is right twice a day” which (as impossible as it sounds) includes even those irrational, mentally-deranged individuals within the Jewish supremacist community whose 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th answer to all questions–past, preset and future and irrespective of the topic of discussion is always “anti-Semitism”.
In this case, the reading on that broken coo-coo clock that never seems to get it right deals with the now-infamous arrest of 5 New Jersey rabbis caught up in the usual business of La Kosher Nostra–meaning money laundering, extortion, bribing of public officials and the trafficking of human body parts–and the charge by certain elements in Israel that the FBI’s high-profile arrest was all part of an “anti-Semitic ploy” designed to makes Americans realize they collectively are playing the role performed by actor Michael Douglass in the blockbuster movie Fatal Attraction who finds himself in bed with a crazy woman capable of doing anything in getting what she wants.

read more @ the ugly truth

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