

The most remarkable thing about the above revelations from Michael Mansfield are not that he believes Princess Diana's death was not an accident, but that he believes in concepts like "they" and "hidden hand".

Other well respected and perfectly rational - not to mention hugely well connected and therefore likely to understand the real world in more depth than most - leading characters through the years have appeared to believe in similar concepts, such as JFK, who also spoke of hidden powers, and even the British Queen with her "dark forces" comment, who while unconnected to the fortuitous removal of Diana from the Royal stage, must surely have suspected and even investigated herself what really happened that day.

Clearly Diana was murdered. She was close to a Muslim, probably about to marry and have a child by him, and her sons are heirs to the British throne. Certain people in this world have no intention of allowing Muslims to gain those sort of connections in case it threatens their stranglehold on all meaningful power in this world.

If upsetting the Rothschild vermin and other power players wasn't enough, she was also a cause celeb in the anti land mine campaign, which has dropped from the headlines since her death. She was also prone to touring war zones and highlighting the horrific predicament of amputees and civilians generally caught in war zones.

read more @ suraci

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