
like watching old star trek episodes and laughing at the lame special effects and captain kirk's emo

...that's what it's like to look back on the 'greatest hits' of 9/11 psyops from late 2009.

1. brainwashing americans on 9/11

Who is Jerome M. Hauer?

Jerome Hauer is among the small group of key individuals who are suspected of playing crucial roles is setting the stage for Israeli false-flag terror attacks of 9-11.

Yesterday, a reader sent me a document that contained a link to a very interesting 9-minute video clip called "The 9/11 Solution."

This short video, which I recommend, is about how the "9-11 cover story was sold to the public." It shows how – in the first hour after the attacks – the controlled media conspired, or was used, to promote the fairy tale that became the official story about why the World Trade Center towers collapsed, i.e. structural failure caused by fire.

read more @ goon squad

2. Sander Hicks interviews Jerome Hauer

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