
Mind Detox XXI: Cyrano's Journal Online/Thomas Paine's Corner (Proudly Piercing the Simulacrum since 1982)

True benevolence, or compassion, extends itself through the whole of existence and sympathizes with the distress of every creature capable of sensation.

---Joseph Addison

Please help us disperse this missive far and wide.....


1. Evolve or die: Can we shed our moral primitivism before it’s too late? by Dr. Steve Best

Departing from his passionate commitment to animal liberation, Dr. Steve Best presents an incredibly comprehensive and convincing case that it is both morally imperative and essential to the continued existence of life on Earth that we anti-capitalists prevail....


2. The corporate disease by John Steppling

The culture of punishment cannot go much further — the culture of resentment and sadism and amnesia. It’s turning brown and wilting before our eyes. Free Tibet, send marines to Darfur, protect Israel from (fill in whoever you want) and let’s fucking well bomb Iran. Fuck ‘em, bomb ‘em. Nuke ‘em maybe. Yeah, that’s the ticket…..let’s nuke those lousy towelheaded cocksuckers. And let’s remember we are a force for good. From Belgrade to Baghdad to, probably, Tehran, the Empire spreads death and destruction.


3. Sex-for-Sale at the Olympics by Suki Falconberg

The situation stems partly from the refusal to recognize prostitution as a violation of human rights. In reality, it is sexual violence toward women. But in the view of most it is simply ‘entertainment’ based on a harmless financial transaction. The desire to draw a distinction between prostitution and trafficking only masks the fact that both usually involve the same exploitations of women.


4. The Toddler King’s Insufferable Reign is Doomed by Jason Miller
Under our “good stewardship,” as our current unitary executive loves to call it, the world is careening down the highway at breakneck speed with an infant at the wheel. And if he crashes before an adult can wrest control from him, we’re looking at a major accident with multiple fatalities. We’ve already pushed the world to the verge of economic collapse, the brink of starvation, the initiation of perpetual war, and impending environmental disaster.

5.The Poverty of Philosophy by Immortal Technique
Radical underground rapper Immortal Technique gives us a perspective on our beloved 'capitalist central' that you won't find on Fox News or MSNBC or CNN....

6. The overlords we picked by Glen Ford
So, will the Lords of Capital accept their class extinction - their social death - as the edifices of their rule implode in utter ruin? Not likely. They’ve still got the U.S. military, bigger (or, at least, more expensive) than all the rest of the world’s armed forces, combined. The option will still remain, to seize vital sectors and regions of the planet, holding them hostage to continuing Western imperial sway. To just *take* stuff, in a hi-tech war of primitive accumulation. That was the goal of the greater Iraq adventure, until it got bogged down by pesky “insurgents.”

7. Edging into Madness by John Steppling
The media ever more desperately tries to sell products about the super rich, the lifestyles of the rich and stupid, but the frisson isn’t there, not quite, because my heating bill just went up 200% and because another kid went ballistic at the local high school, and because corporate reality makers are having a harder and harder time hiding the poisons of their products — the pseudo food and the recreational junk. The biggest growth industry in the US is self storage. What does that tell us? Junk we don’t need, food we can’t live on, and a more desperate embrace of super violence and death. It is the last gasp of a people screaming their own superiority, even as they fail at almost everything.

8. Tumult by Rebecca Gibson
I feel, now, if I were assaulted again, or witness to the assault of another, I would go for blood. Kali, that hindu goddess of death and destruction, of time and change, resides in my heart now, has for years, all of these years since I learned to recognize rape. I see myself tearing flesh from bone, blood dripping from my lips, and wearing a necklace of skulls. It is not the innocent I wish to devour. I would purge this earth of it’s rapacious pretending-to-be-human werewolves, prey on the predators. I would make the world safe to be a child or a girl or a woman or a little boy.

9. The Monstrosity of Animal Exploitation by David Irving
The enslavement and abuse of animals along with other ignoble activities like vivisection, trapping, hunting, slaughter, and other cruel abuses of animals are warfare’s constant attendants. After centuries they have become the accepted norms and are ingrained in our culture often involving the “best” people. Women of privilege proudly display expensive furs at church, social, and cultural functions and show no concern about the cruelty required to obtain them: steel toothed traps that bite cruelly into whatever anatomical part they manage to snare is one method; anal electrocution, neck snapping, and gassing are other favorites in the mink trade. Why does a custom that causes such immense suffering to animals not cause us to question our sanity?

10. The War, the Truth, and the New York Times by Anwaar Hussain
Every canon of the United Nations and the 1945 Nuremberg Charters, the International Humanitarian Law and the Geneva Conventions has been shot to doll rags by this criminal cabal in its willful, premeditated genocide of an innocent people and what does the American media leviathan call it? Bad enough!?

11. THE RUSSIANS ARE BACK! by Gaither Stewart
The common enemy for Americans and Germans alike was Communism and the USSR. When I say “Americans,” of course, I mean the American ruling oligarchy, the US ruling class, not the masses, who, benighted for generations, are essentially propagandized by the corporate media to love or hate whomever or whatever such privileged class deems necessary to their strategic goals. Long before the war started, as is true for all class wars, some American political leaders (as well as British) began to consider WWII as a war against Communism not against Nazi Germany and sided with the Nazis against the Communists. According to one view of history, the war against Communism began with the German invasion of Russia in 1941 and ended in 1991 when the Soviet Union collapsed. Germany and Japan had fought the first part of the war; from 1945 the USA took over.

12. Like the Little Satans We Are by Jason Miller
Aside from the pragmatic concern that in so doing we’re fouling our nest so badly that we’re eventually going to be smothered by our own shit, there is a moral component to consider as well. As luminaries like Inge and Singer have reminded us, our heinous and reprehensible collective actions towards non-human animals readily invite and substantiate comparisons between us and Nazis or the Devil.

13. Cynthia McKinney Deserves Your Support, Obama Does Not by Glen Ford
In Obama’s endlessly conditional world, withdrawal from Iraq must be done “responsibly” - meaning, in actuality, that the U.S. must retain the power to keep the Iraqis “responsive” to American military, economic and political demands. A U.S. military pullout (of who knows how many troops, since Obama has always been elusive on the question) must be “honorable” - meaning, it should not give the appearance of weakness or admission of criminality. Most important, the U.S. must emerge from the withdrawal (or reduction, or draw-down, or other conjure-word) in a position of “respect” - a total impossibility, unless respect actually means evoking terror throughout the neighborhood at the very thought of ever again provoking the Americans into violating the laws of modern civilization.

14. PLEONEXIA (For Whom the Bell Tolls) by Viola Ransel
These bastards have been around the block before.This time the parasites planned ahead.Laws have been passed. Detention camps builtfor when their feeding on us drives us over the edge.
This time around there won’t be a New Deal.This deal’s called Take It or Leave It.There’s no limit now to how far you can fall.The Social Safety Net has proved too inconvenient.
Lessons The People should have learned....

15. THE COMMUNIST BUGABOO by Gaither Stewart
Like terrorism, Communism has been the excuse for emergency laws in the Philippines and Peru as in Chile and Argentina. Emergency laws, special prisons, torture, the sky is the limit in the war against the Communist bugaboo.....But what is Communism today? Why is the word so frightening? In the minds of non-Communists, Communism is associated with the former USSR. In reality, Communistic ideas are as old as man: a social system characterized by the community of goods and the absence of private property. This is what some political anthropologists have termed “primitive communism.” Such ideas marked the organization of the first Christian communities. Jesus Christ himself is often pinpointed as the first Communist. And Christianity itself–even today–properly understood and practiced, would entail a form of communism in many personal matters.