
Analyst says intervention big mistake


PETER SCHIFF: Yeah that's going to happen eventually. Maybe this is the straw that finally breaks the camel's back. And the problem is, if we can't get funding from the rest of the world, the only source of funding is the printing press at the Federal Reserve and they will print our currency into oblivion.

STEPHEN LONG: What is the alternative to this huge bail-out, this huge rescue package; hundreds of billions of dollars thrown in to rescue Wall Street?

PETER SCHIFF: The alternative is to let the free market sort this out. The government made this mess, they're sure as hell not going solve it. We need to let the market work.

Now that doesn't mean that this is all going to be sunshine and lollipops here in the United States, we're going to have a tremendous recession if the government does nothing but we're going to have a worse one; we might have a hyper inflationary depression if the government goes through with this plan.

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