

Well, this is exactly it. People who brag about ruling the world also cheat, steal, and lie nearly 100% of the time. What could they accomplish if they played by the rules? They would be quickly surpassed by better people. They know this. That's why they have to cheat, steal and lie nearly 100% of the time. - Ed.

In a world that is being destroyed by Machiavellian realpolitikers, what should moral people do?

Well, they can practice moralpolitik, which can be defined as politics based on morals, the exact opposite of realpolitik.

Imam Ali (peace be upon him) once said that no one should have thought that he was less clever than his main rivals, and pointed out that if he had been allowed to use treachery and dirty tricks, he could have outsmarted them all.

This is a classic example of moralpolitik vs. realpolitik.

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