
Greenwald: Increasing even-handedness in the Middle East

It's now rather clear that the debate in the U.S. over Israel and the Middle East is becoming increasingly more balanced and open, and there are even some very preliminary though encouraging signs that the Obama administration will take a more even-handed approach. As I wrote about the other day, the truly excellent report by 60 Minutes' Bob Simon, focusing on the destructive impact of expanding West Bank settlements, was a startling departure from the rules governing what normally would be aired in such venues with regard to Israel.

Read more @ Salon

1 comment:

Sis said...

If we go with JStreet's solution to this problem, be prepared for the largest bailout of all. You thought the banking bailout was huge? Take a look at their answer to the sticky little Palestinian problem. While the first read sounds nice, you need to read it a second time for it to really sink in. The solution, titled Change They Can Believe In, must have taken quite an effort by these think tanks to make it sound unbiased. I can just imagine the draft copies, with thousands of cross-outs, do-overs, re-writes and margin comments to make it palatable to those who expect justice. Read on and hold on to your wallet:
