
Israeli war criminals in Pagatonia

Like their Nazi forebears, the ZioNazi criminals seem to prefer South American countries for their hidey-holes. While you visit Kawther's site, check out the hate mail from Mary Jacobs. Classy. - Ed.

The Israeli war criminals who participated in the so-called “Operation Cast Lead”, the offensive launched by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) on the Gaza Strip between 27 December and 18 January 2009, in which they killed and murdered 1350 and injured over 5000, in addition to the demolition of thousands of homes, industrial and commercial facilities, and the displacement of tens of thousands of Palestinian citizens who were left without a home, continue traveling in large groups and even in complete military units to Patagonia in the south of Chile and Argentina, for bad and unknown purposes.

Read more @ Kawther Salam

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