
Quick and dirty analysis of what is obviously a long planned agenda

I don't have too much time to devote to this at the moment, but please look over the stories for the past few days. What are we seeing?

1. Israel is committing crimes against humanity, with impunity from world leaders, while conducting a massive PR campaign to spin their behavior as self-defense, which isn't working.

2. Russia has cut of fuel supplies to various countries after rumblings of tanks moving around and kidnappings in the Georgia region.

3. Obama has nothing to say.

If you read the story by Chossudovsky, here, you will see that the massacring of civilians is intentional.
The longer term objective of this plan, as formulated by Israeli policy makers, is the expulsion of Palestinians from Palestinian lands:

"Terrorize the civilian population, assuring maximal destruction of property and cultural resources... The daily life of the Palestinians must be rendered unbearable: They should be locked up in cities and towns, prevented from exercising normal economic life, cut off from workplaces, schools and hospitals, This will encourage emigration and weaken the resistance to future expulsions" Ur Shlonsky, quoted by Ghali Hassan, Gaza: The World’s Largest Prison, Global Research, 2005)

The goal is to make the Palestinians go away, as in leave. Make Gaza unbearable. Make the Palestinians die or leave. Die then leave. Die. Leave. That is what they want, and that is what they are trying to accomplish by inflicting these horrific civilian casualties and destroying the possibility of normal life in Gaza.

They want to internationalize this problem, get everyone involved and wash their hands of it.

What is Russia doing? Is Russia baiting the trap? Is Russia going to demand that Europe "do something" about Gaza before turning the gas back on? Will that threat finally push the international community to step in and take over, giving Israel what it wants?

Problem Reaction Solution.

Problem: Israel brutalizes the Palestinians.
Reaction: World outrage.
Solution: Internationalize Gaza, relieve Israel of responsibility.

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