
Another pointless death


You are being lied to by vermin who do not care for you or your loved ones. If need be they will slaughter all of you in a heartbeat. If it is deemed necessary they will detonate a Nuclear bomb in any European city to initiate the next round of their despicable plans. Please believe me and all those many like me who are risking our own freedom in the future by speaking the truth and therefore sticking our heads above the parapet, that you are being led like sheep. Do not let your children join their armies. Do not pay them tax if you can legally avoid doing so. Do not line the streets to applaud the dead cold bodies of your loved ones, slaughtered in their evil machinations and greedily filmed by their media to cast a positive and heroic light on the pointless deaths of your loved ones.

In short, please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up. The time is running short, and they are having too many victories. You will all suffer if you continue to behave as bovine cattle ripe for the slaughter house. We who say these uncomfortable truths are your real friends. We are the ones who really care for your dead children, and for you, and for us all.

You are on the wrong side, if you could only see it. Please do the research that is a mere mouse click away, with an open mind to things you cannot now think possible, and educate yourselves. Do a search on New Pearl Harbour, or USS Liberty, or the truth about Bolshevism, or five dancing Israelis, or Odigo, or PNAC, or Neo Cons, or the Crazies, or Peter Power, or any of the other wealth of evidence that the world simply is not as you have been told.

The monster we face will one day come right through your front door, ignore it as you may.

Join us.........please.

Read the whole thing @ suraci

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