
all the different ways to kill and move people around the globe, surely this is according to some plan

1. kill them overtly: bomb attacks, non-stop war in Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan. goals: kill and terrorize, pollute the land, make the people leave




2. force people around the globe via immigration: asylum seekers, workers, globalization

Iraqis go to Sweden for asylum - also France, Germany, UK, Italy receive thousands of Iraqi asylum seekers, other seekers from Somalis, Russians, Afghans going into European countries

Africans go to China, Chinese to Africa for mineral trade, consumerism

Chinese going to Australia

Brazilians to the US - seven years to investigate visa fraud

3. destroy their culture with consumerism

42.8% of Japanese see no need to have children

Japan becoming nation of unrelenting complainers

4. cull through bio-engineering

minorities death rate for H1N1 is twice the death rate for whites

NY autopsies show virus damages entire airway like 1918 and 1957 epidemics

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