
Die, die deeply

Well, good morning. This and another thing broke me down yesterday. For a while I thought I could not keep doing this. But then something else happened to give me hope that my efforts are not in vain. I hope you people reading, whoever you are, will pray. Pray for everyone, even the desperately evil people who plan, oversee and conduct these atrocities. Perhaps God in his infinite mercy will see fit to deliver us. - Ed.

Die. Die the way They want you to die. No one will weep.
Die by gunshots, by missiles, by sea shelling, or air strikes.
Die out of starvation. Die under the open sky.
Don�t run, they�ll get you on the roads.
Stay where you are and die, stand still, don�t even attempt to move, just die.
By forbidden arms, by �allowed� arms, die.
And die together, whole family members, so no one will cry when you go.
And down here, we won�t even be able to look at the pictures of your corps.
Silently die, don�t scream.
And stay right where you die, none of us is able to reach you, or to collect your remains from under the rubbles. None of us is able to know how many you are. None of us can protect you from the kind of death that they choose for you.

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