
Voice of the White House

Washington, D.C., September 6, 2008: “You people at tbr have no idea how much international havoc your Brian Harring has caused with his timely exposé of the Israeli plot to launch a sneak attack on Tehran from Georgia, naturally with full permission and eager encouragement from Bush. When the Harring article got out, as it certainly did, there was real fury and screaming around here. If Harring had been walking outside along the sidewalk, Cheney would have blasted him with the loaded gun he keeps in his front and center desk drawer. Wonderful! Since this was true, the powers here did not dare get their pet bloggers to laugh at it because then more people would find out about this. Now, it’s all over the place, except, of course in the mainline American press. However, Mr. Harring will be pleased to read the comment from Pat Buchanan I enclose herewith. Do keep it up, Mr. Harring. Remember, anything that has Cheney squealing like a sow on fire can’t be all bad!

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