
How the Bailout will work

The scheme is actually pretty simple. Please forgive my primitive graphics abilities.
The fund will buy mortgages from the banks at market value, and then re-sell them back to the banks at a discount.
The fund will then repurchase those mortgages from the banks, who will sell them back to the fund again.
The same product (perhaps an ill-advised mortgage for a half-million dollars taken out on a house in the distant
suburbs of Las Vegas) will be bought, then resold, then re-bought and re-resold in an endless spiral of profit-taking.
The taxpayer will lose on every transaction, the banks robbing the treasury each time each mortgage, or
package of mortgages is swapped.

It is amazing to observe the greatest transfer of wealth in history, from Main Street to Wall Street,
from the many to the few. What is even more amazing is that nobody seems to be stopping it.

Original link.