
Bush criminal operation to sabotage Basel II


The US Dark Forces led by Godfather Bush Sr., George Bush 43, Mk-Ultra (‘Himmler’) Cheney, the ‘late’ Henry M. Paulson, the late Robert M. Kimmitt, and their collaborators and partners in High Crimes and Misdemeanours, former President William Jefferson Clinton and Hillary Rodomski Clinton, have been desperately seeking, with the enthusiastic assistance of their co-conspirator Robert Rubin at Citibank, and the other US criminal financial institutions led by the CIA’s Bank of America, to torpedo the implementation of Basel II, since it defangs their corruption at the source, causing the criminal kleptocracy immense problems for the future.

Central to this criminal operation has been the following bluff (equation):

If Citibank collapses, the stock market will collapse and will go underground, the entire banking system will seize up and the world will be catapulted into a depression, and you know it. Therefore, you cannot tell us what to do, and we will carry on doing what we are doing whatever you want.

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