
Election Day Reflux

By www

John McCain has conceded the Presidency to Barak Obama, and praised the equality of the US which made Mr Obama's victory possible.

Let me tell you that as I would not ever have wanted John McCain to win, and if I had been eligible to vote I would have voted for Obama – since the electoral system in the US would have third party candidates end up carrying either a sense of disenfranchisement as the one they wanted cannot be allowed to win and/or guilt for allowing the one they wanted the least come to office.

Therefore, it is not out of remorse or because I am a bad looser that I am now writing that Barak Obama's victory is the beginning of a great struggle – but unlike the last 8 years, this time we will be struggling for something and not against. This time around all of us who want US to join the world, and not just act as if it never really were there in any significant way, have the ability to apply the pressure to ensure that the presidency is a representative position and not one of the rule of one or even a few individuals.

Not one single person in the US government – not the house, the senate or the presidency – is elected as a person.

They are all elected as representatives and as such must be told and mandated every single day of their service what we want of them to do in our name.

So as many of us feel that our vote was counted, that we had our will, as many should feel the sense of responsibility that comes from realizing that we own whatever comes next.

Americans tend to relax after Election Day, and the system has encouraged them to assume a passive posture while allowing those who represent not the majority but the profit and greed of the few gather in lobbying groups, accumulate and apply the pressure of wealth to those who are to serve the majority of Americans only.

It has seemed that Americans have not realized that while election is one day, representation is daily.

If we fail to act upon that, this election should be considered stolen as much as any preceding one – with the difference that the US people will be complicit in the crime.

Global Patriot - Human first of all....

"The thoughts and deeds of those who think they are superior to others and consider others as second-class and inferior; who intend to remain out of the divine circle, to be the absolute slaves of their materialistic and selfish desires, who intend to expand their aggressive and domineering natures, constitute the roots of today's problems in human societies."