
Scenes from a blue oasis in a red state

Saw this in my neighborhood and had to take a picture of it. The context of this is that my neighborhood is stuffed with the sort of people right wing radio instructs you to hate: Earnest college students, college professors, liberal yuppies with jobs in marketing and law, bohemians who own successful antique shops. You know the like. It means that the overall tenor of the neighborhood, signage-wise, is “OBAMA! FUCK YEAH!” It’s not subtle in any way. I suspected, the second I saw this display, that the people responsible are trying to aggravate their neighbors. Considering that this house is in an area with heavy foot, car, and bicycle traffic and is right around the corner from the neighborhood hippie grocery store, I suspect mine is a good bet.

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A funny from the comment thread:

Mostly Harmless. Sincere and harmless. There are far worse displays than “no Obama”.

The signs are hand-made, not terribly threatening. It just looks like somebody cares, just not about the things we care about.

Did you ask them how they felt about the Socialest Bale Owt?