
George Ure sorts through the 'Another 9/11?' scenario

Not that we don't have enough to worry about, what with the economy seeming to surge, the futures pointing up, but perhaps that is largely based on what I told you to expect last week - a renewed call for more funding to be pushed into the failing automakers, but nevertheless, the timing of a new attack on the West would be, to say the least, "convenient" this week. Especially given that the G20 meetings may try to bust up some of the US dollar's supremacy as the global reserve currency.

Specifically I refer to the curious piece reported on the web site News from Jerusalem headlined "Warnings from world leaders all within 72 hours."

Maybe it's just the 'old newsman' in me being overly worried, but there are a number of items floating around the inbox that give me pause. Little things: A Seal's family advising that their son is being rushed back for expected action this week, The prime minister saying "Now is the time to build global society" and the NY Times revelation today that a previously undisclosed secret order has allowed for additional attacks against al Qaeda that have not been publicized. Over the weekend, the UK's Sun headlined "Bin Laden video alert for Obama."

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