
Hill of Shame where Gaza bombing is spectator sport

Excuses, excuses. Hamas, Hamas. What would the Israelis do without Hamas? How would they justify all this indiscriminate killing? - Ed.


Rafi Twitto was watching the offensive yesterday with his wife, Iris. From his belt hung a photograph of his son, Osher, nine, who had a leg blown off by a Qassam rocket 11 months ago. “I'm glad Hamas is being destroyed but sad that women and children are suffering,” he said. “But when they grow up they'll also probably be terrorists. They are taught very early to hate Israelis and how to hold weapons.” Iris agreed. “If I could have, I'd have gone in with our soldiers.”

David Kunin, 26, an ultra-Orthodox Jew with long black beard and coat, had come to the hill to take pictures. He said that a rocket shattered the windows of his home in Ashdod last week. “Of course I'm happy,” he replied when asked how he felt as he watched the bombardment.

“It would be better if innocent civilians weren't hurt, but the ones who co-operate with Hamas - that's their problem.”

Read more @ Times Online

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