
Indira Singh interview, 7/20/2005

This is not recent, but I post it because this woman really illustrates the kind of courage and tenacity that it takes to be a whistleblower in this country today. She is obviously a person of great integrity and intelligence, with presence of mind and tremendous personal courage in the face of death threats from very powerful people. This is how a patriot behaves. I don't know what has become of her, but all Americans should be very grateful that people like Indira Singh will put their lives on the line -- without the comfort of belonging to some powerful organization or being armed to the teeth to protect themselves, while those with those very advantages often shrink into hidey holes -- but merely armed with the nerve to seek the truth no matter where it leads. - Ed.

July 20th 2005
Inteview with Indira Singh
"Ground Zero 911, Blueprint For Terror, Part Two"

Indira Singh worked on Wall Street from 1975 Until June 28th, 2002 when she was summarily terminated due to her investigation into computer software company, Ptech. In Part One, She described her work as an emergency medical technician at ground zero, and began to describe her professional work for JPMorgan Chase and her first client meeting with software engineer, Ptech.

Bonnie Falkner: So, Indira, how did your meeting with Ptech, how did that go?

Indira Singh: Well, they came a little late, immediately there were some issues with regard to how the day would proceed, for instance they showed up without the agreed upon software in hand. The most important thing about it is that their chief scientist Dr. Hussein Ibraham came. He’s an Egyptian-American and he had a very good reputation in the field, very bright, someone you would like working with, very knowledgeable. But, they had showed up without the software.

Read more here.

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