
Is this really the end of the evangelical movement?

For decades the evangelical movement has been a powerful force in our politics and culture. And it seems poised to continue to wield influence over American life, as a new spate of rising stars fill the ranks vacated by aging and dead leaders.

But in a recent article published on AlterNet from the Christian Science Monitor, Michael Spencer, a "post-evangelical reformation Christian" argues that evangelicalism -- both as a political movement and an ideology -- is done for.

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1 comment:

Sis said...

The author is classifying dispensationalism with Evangilicalism; they are not the same. Dispensationalists, the Falwells, Robertsons, Bakkers, etc that make up the Christian Coalition are part of the zionist movement and are not real Evangelicals. True Evangelicals are Christians who believe the New Covenant, while not replacing the Old Covenant, makes it outmoded. There is no place in Covenantal belief for self-righteousness and this religious framework, I believe, is where Evangelical followers are returning to. Watch out, Israel - you're loosing your base!