
Why is the Center for American Progress cavorting with neocons? Oh right, because they are on the same team.

The Hegelian Dialectic at work. - Ed.

(Gee. I really hate being right all the time. (no, actually I don’t) Let’s not forget the CAP’s “progressive” blog/free focus group, Think Progress, has been called out, by this blogger, as a neocon/neolib echo chamber for years now.)

by Jeremy Scahill, Rebel Report

The Center for American Progress, which was founded by former Clinton chief of staff John Podesta in 2003, masqueraded as a “progressive,” semi-anti-war organization through the dark years of the Bush administration when it required little political courage to oppose the White House and wars that were portrayed as Bush’s or the Republicans’. While feigning opposition to the Iraq war, CAP refused to confront Democrats over their continued funding of that war. After Obama’s election, Podesta, of course, headed the transition team, which swiftly appointed hawkish Democrats from the Clinton era, kept on Robert Gates and other Republicans, sidelined progressives and in doing so won praise from neocons and other Republicans. Now that “their” guys—big “D” Democrats—are back in power, CAP has assumed its rightful place as a partisan front group for the Democratic Party’s power structure and for selling Obama’s wars to “progressives.”

Read more @ American Everyman

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