
Crop Circle Analysis by halfpasthuman

The crop circle (glyph) which appeared in Clatford on May 9th has been provided a label of 'sigil' in an article at EarthFiles.Com.

Personally, I doubt that this latest crop glyph is a sigil as it is not asymetric, as are all, meaningful, sigils. As is explained in the annotated diagrams of the crop circle(glyph) below, this latest orb-created glyph is bi-laterally symetrical, as no sigil *can* be an still retain value as a code. Also let us note now that sigils are an attempt to disquise information through coding, not communicate it. Sooooo....it does not make sense to me that these orb-dudes would go to all the trouble to create these glyphs only to then use forms that 'obscure' information, as do sigils.....my conclusion therefore is that this glyph is NOT a sigil, and, assuming that it is intended to create effective communications, a different interpretation *could* be extracted.

First, a diagram of the glyph in question:

Read more @ halfpasthuman

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