
You can't fight what you can't name

A recent poll by the Boston Review proves that at least one third of the American People know that the Jews are to blame for the financial crisis:

State of the Nation: Anti-Semitism and the economic crisis

The financial crisis the Jews have caused is destroying our nation and has already cost the average American dearly. Home values have plummeted. Americans, that is money stolen straight out of your pocket and you know who is to blame, so why are you vile cowards too afraid to ever publicly point your finger at the guilty Jews and demand justice?

Are you shameful, spineless, gutless, murderous fools just going to ignore the fact that the Jews are stealing millions of dollars from your family and are ruining your country? Are you such wretched stinking cowards that you would never put a sign in your yard warning against the Jews, or tack a bumpersticker on your car with a website that told the truth about the Jews?

Read more @ Jewish Racism

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