
Do not go quietly

This entire hysterical Flu flap is almost certainly mind fuckery. The filthy, vermin, child murdering scum that run the world are using this outbreak, due to a virus that they cooked up in one of their secret demonic witch's labs somewhere, to scare the cattle and slip in lots of talk about a one world reaction to combat this new bubonic plague, and of course vaccines for all, containing god only knows what. A side benefit of this circus is of course that few people are now talking about the disastrous world economy anymore, nor about the sinister international bankers and financiers who are still fucking their various taxpayers up the ass.

The reaction of the disgusting and complicit - child murder enabling - controlled media is key to this flu crisis. The concerted way in which they all pounced on this non story, and proceeded to over state the dangers and ramp up the emotion of the many braindead automatons who still read their various steaming piles of literary excreta, is a sure sign to those of us who actually take an interest in the world (most people, quite frankly, don't) that this is yet another of their massive attacks on us, another 911, another silent weapon in a quiet war.

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