
Spending, debt and collapse predicts hyperinflation

Public Private Investment Partnerships sell off toxic waste, hyperinflation clearly in our future, gold and silver must eventually skyrocket, bailouts behind everyones backs, since central banks control the money flow, they are responsible, the king of stagflation

As Emperor Obama (Romulus the Usurper) fires GM's CEO, steals money from Chrysler's bondholders, puts together Public-Private Investment Partnerships (PPIP's) that will privatize gains and socialize losses in an attempt to stabilize derivative prices by having banks buy their toxic waste from one another in the usual "smoke and mirror" tradition of Wall Street, and creates what currently is an annualized 1.8 trillion dollar federal budget deficit that will grow exponentially over time to finance zombie banker bailouts, to fascistically nationalize the financial, insurance and auto manufacturing industries, and to provide inane, flash-in-the-pan, socialistic spending programs (euphemistically called "stimulus packages" that will do little or nothing to stimulate production or to create permanent jobs), while simultaneously supporting the Fed's actions, which amount to little more than using chewing gum and bailing wire to keep the money and credit markets from collapsing as it creates and distributes, in arrogant, secretive, crony-capitalist fashion, a gargantuan pile of counterfeit monopoly money in an amount on par with total US GDP for an entire year, you can just sense and feel that there is now a runaway, hyperinflationary freight train rumbling down the tracks at ever greater speed that is soon going to derail and create a train wreck out of our economy.

Read more @ International Forecaster

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