
Urban Survival: How does a big event ripple backwards in time?


Seems that at some just-below-the-perception-threshold, people know bits and pieces of the future before it arrives. Major events that stand head & shoulders above the background noise (hurricanes/tornados/earthquakes) seem a little more clear because the everyday language shit associated with these kinds of 'outlier' events is pronounced (and predictive). It's also why the technology can't/doesn't work with 'hot issues'. You talk about a movie star or a public policy question like abortion rights, and it's nigh on to impossible to sort those kinds of things out because people are so emotionally charged over a long period of time - there's little 'change' in the archetypical language once some has adopted one position or another.

Earthquakes (and assorted other 'natural disasters') are different down at the mass consciousness level. With these, most folks when the event happens are just going about their day, doing their normal routine, picking up the kids, going to work, going hunting or fishing, night out with the girls...you know...just normal activities when WHAM along comes this big emotional impact.

That's the kind of thing that 'bleeds' or 'prints through' into what is then the past, but which is presently in our future. the more 'print through' into the past, the more pronounced the language shift among people who are mostly not even aware that they have changed at the kalapas kind of level as if to psycho-socially prepare for the event.

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